« As the team dis-assembled last night... | Main | Adios »


Posted on Sunday, June 15, 2008 at 10:26AM by Registered CommenterHonduras | CommentsPost a Comment

We made it! There were a few delays at the airport, but Team Honduras safely arrived home safe and sound last evening (all, that is, except for Aron, who is staying a few more days in Honduras on vacation). 1285865-1646927-thumbnail.jpg
Aron at work in the pharmacy dosing parasite medication for children
Members of St. Mark's as well as some family met us at the airport and drove us home.
It's hard to let go of a trip like this...I'm sure we'll all be struggling with ways to forever incorporate what we learned and lived into our daily lives.
Stay tuned for some more reflections as well as information about a presentation we will be doing at St. Mark's sometime in the fall. Adios for now!

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