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Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2008 at 10:24AM by Registered CommenterHonduras | CommentsPost a Comment

It’s hard to believe, but we’re getting close to leaving for the airport. If you asked me how long I’ve been here it would take me a minute to come up with the right answer. One the one hand, it feels like we just arrived yesterday, and on the other, it feels like a little piece of me has always been here. Is that possible? 1285865-1645446-thumbnail.jpg
Kelli with new friends
One of the nice things about a trip like this one is that we can remove ourselves from the chaos of our lives and focus in on the work that needs to be done. And it would be impossible to leave here without realizing just how much work does indeed need to be done. 1285865-1645466-thumbnail.jpg
Christie inserting an IV into a dehydrated woman
I think all of us are now a little more inspired to take up that work.
We owe a big debt of gratitude to everyone who has helped and supported us in this journey – financially, morally, spiritually…trips like this don’t happen without a lot of help. So a big THANK YOU to everyone to helped make this possible. And a special thanks to everyone’s families for letting their loved slip away for a week – I know it’s not easy, and I thank you.
I’m off to pack – see you soon!!!

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