Saturday Soup Bowl

Begun in December 2003, the Saturday Soup Bowl is an outreach ministry to hungry men and women of the city, many of whom live on the streets or in shelters. Every Saturday morning from 7 to 9:30 a.m. we serve soup and bread to the hungry and we greet them as brothers and sisters. Saturday mornings are a joyful time as we reach out to our friends in need and learn from them.

We can always use volunteers to help make soup, to serve it, set up, clean up, or just be on hand to greet guests. Volunteers may always come along at any time on Saturday mornings between 7 and 9 a.m., but it's very helpful to have people sign-up in advance using the sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall.

SOUP SCHEDULE - Winter 2013


23           Dad's Chicken Soup

30           Beef and Bean Chili


7             Chicken Kale Soup

14           Hearty Beef and Veggie


21           Christmas Breakfast

28           Dad's Chicken Soup


4             Beef and Bean Chili

11           Chicken Kale Soup

18           Hearty Beef and Veggie


25           Sausage Tortellini 


1             Dad's Chicken Soup

8             Beef and Bean Chili

15           Chicken Kale Soup

22           Hearty Beef and Veggie




1            Sausage Tortellini 

8            Dad's Chicken Soup

15          Beef and Bean Chili

22          Chicken Kale Soup

29          Hearty Beef and Veggie




For ease of use, we have provided a Saint Mark's Saturday Soup Bowl cookbook.

Become a Volunteer

This ministry depends entirley on active particiapation of volunteers who make the soup (using shared recipes), collect the bread, set-up tables, serve the meal, greet our guests and clean-up. Soup can be delivered to the church on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Bread is donated by the Metropolitan Bakery. More volunteers arrive at 7 a.m. to set up tables, make coffee and heat up the soup, which is served in the Parish Hall from 7:15 a.m. to 9 a.m. It is not unusual to serve more than 100 guests in that time on a Saturday morning.

For more information on becoming a volunteer, contact Saint Mark's Church.

We rejoice that Saturday mornings have become a time of great fellowship in the parish. Some of us have gotten to know our regular guests well. The Parish Hall is often full of lively conversation, laughter and music during the meal.