Pastoral Care

In a community we take seriously the needs of one another and we know that sometimes members of our community are in need because of sickness, hospitalization, frailty or for all kinds of other reasons.

The Pastoral Care Team tries to keep in touch with parishioners who are not able to be in church on a regular basis, and to be on hand when they are in need of help and support.

Contact the Parish Office if you'd like to help do the work of this Team.

Other Pastoral Care Ministries


The Caritas approach is based on the social teaching of the Church, which focuses on the dignity of the human person. Caritas' work on behalf of the poor manifests God's love for all of creation.

At Saint Mark's Church, Caritas is a ministry to the elderly residents of a nearby nursing home. On the second Saturday of each month a group of parishioners, together with Fr. Joe Wildsmith, conduct a Mass at the nursing home and visit with those who attend. Contact the Parish to learn how you can participate in Caritas.

Grief Group

The death of a loved one is never easy. But God encourages us to go on … to take another step. Sometimes it helps to be with others who are also grieving, even if it’s just to realize we’re not alone.  From time to time, as we are able to discern the need, a support group forms to help people navigate the issues of grief in their lives.  If you think you'd like to be a part of this ministry or could benefit from it, please contact one of the parish clergy.