Participation in Worship
There are many opportunities to participate in the worship, service and outreach of Saint Mark's. Lay people are actively and vitally involved in the worship of the church through the various service guilds.
Servers (or acolytes) are those who assist in all the ceremonial aspects of the Mass. They carry crossses and torches and banners in procession, tend to the incense, and serve at the altar, assisting the priests in the rituals of worship. Some servers who have been prepared and trained to do so, lead prayers at weekday or early masses and some assist with the administration of communion as chalice-bearers. Since the liturgy of the church is something carried out by a community - not just by the priests - servers have a vital function at every celebration of the Mass.
There is a way for almost anyone to become involved in the worship this way. Boys and girls, men and women of almost any age can all play a distinct role in the offering to God of ourselves in the liturgy - but remember some training may be required! If you'd like to be a part of the Guild of Servers and take part in the beautiful liturgies of the church, please contact one of the clergy or be in touch with Dan Devlin.
Lectors read the first and second readings from the Bible at Sunday services and at special services. If you have a good speaking voice, a desire to engage the Scriptures in a special way and if you would like a special way of participating in Sunday services, please speak to one of the clergy about become a Lector.
Some Lectors also officiate at the services of morning and evening prayer during the week, contributing greatly to our mission to pray without ceasing. If you would like to lead these simple but beautiful services, and deepen your own prayer life as you do, please speak to one of the clergy.
Ushers are the first people visitors to the church usually meet. They greet and welcome people to all Sunday services and to special services throughout the year. They give our visitors their first impressions of Saint Mark's and have an opportunity to connect with visitors and help visitors connect with us. Users distribute leaflets, assist the handicapped, record attendance, and take up the offering. We can always use more ushers!
Altar Guild
The active life of worship at Saint Mark's and the care of the parish's extraordinary and unique collection of sacred vessels, vestments and linens used in that worship depends on the commitment of the Altar Guild. This behind-the-scenes work is essential to the worshiping life of the parish. More volunteers are needed. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to volunteer.