News & Events
Recent and future events @ Saint Mark's.
Entries by Sean Mullen (14)
Rittenhouse Square Interfaith Memorial
Saint Mark's was one of several congregations that sponsored an Interfaith Memorial Service in Rittenhouse Square for the tenth anniversary of the attacks of Sept 11th. Associate Rector, Erika Takacs, was a key organizer, and the MC for the event, which culminated with everyone in the Square holding hands during a time of silence, and then while the carillon at Holy Trinity played. The final benediction was given by Fr. Mullen. The Daily News reported on the event here.
Meet the Students of St. James School
Meet the Fifth Grade class of St. James School - a mission of Saint Mark's - in this great, short video!
St. James School Opens - Philadelphia Inquirer
On Tuesday, Sept 6, the gates of St. James School - a mission of Saint Mark's - were opened for the fist Fifth Grade. St. James is the only Episcopla Schoo lin the City of Philadelphia. It serves students from low-income families. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported on it's opening here.
Saint Mark's adopts Saint James the Less
The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Pennsylvania has allowed Saint Mark's to adopt the Church of Saint James the Less as a mission of our parish. Saint James the Less was vacated more than two years ago by its congregation following lengthy litigation with the diocese. The parish had grown disaffected with the diocese and the Episcopal Church.
The work of restoring worship and ministry to this beautiful place in a demanding part of the city now falls to Saint Mark's and those partners we can gather to work with us. The first important steps will involve prayer and discussion to discern what ministry God is calling us to, as well as efforts to reach out to the local community.
More news will be posted about our ministry at Saint James the Less as it takes shape.